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Payment & Currency


We have temporarily halted credit card payments due to an increase in fraudulent activity. Overseas orders may be accepted at our discretion, please get in touch with us at For local orders, we are currently accepting bank transfer from NZ bank accounts only, or cash payment for collection orders. You will receive our bank details when you checkout and payment is due on completion of checkout. It is helpful for us if you include the order number from your order confirmation email as the reference for your payment.


We offer the option of lay-by for customers with a New Zealand bank account. A non-refundable 10% deposit is required upon completion of checkout. The remaining balance is due over a maximum period of 6 weeks in either weekly or fortnightly instalments. Please add a note in the check-out comments section that you wish to lay-by. If you require greater flexility with your lay-by, please contact us at prior to placing your order.

For all orders, shipping confirmation will be sent once your purchase has been dispatched. If you would like to collect your purchase from our Auckland City central location, where we have secure parking available, please get in touch with us at to arrange a convenient time for you to do so. Please note a valid form of ID may be requested on collection.


Unless otherwise indicated, all prices are quoted in NZD and are GST inclusive. If you are purchasing from outside of New Zealand, please note that our on-site currency display is indicative only and all orders will be transacted in NZD at the exact amount as displayed at the final stage of the checkout process.